Following the international success of The Big Hit (an Official Selection at the 2020 Cannes Film Festival, and winner of Best Comedy at the European Film Awards), writer/director Emmanuel Courcol's wildly entertaining new film MY BROTHER'S BAND follows two siblings separated by fate and reunited by music.
Thibaut (the exceptional Benjamin Lavernhe, Delicious, C’est la vie!) is an internationally-renowned orchestra conductor who travels the world. When a health crisis and subsequent DNA test inadvertedly reveals that he was adopted as an infant, Thibaut discovers the existence of a younger brother, Jimmy (rising star Pierre Lottin), who lives in more modest circumstances; he works in a school cafeteria, cares for his mother and plays the trombone in a community brass band. The pair seem to have little else in common other than a love of performance, but sensing his sibling’s exceptional talent, Thibaut decides to remedy the injustice of fate and help nurture his brother’s gifts.